Tomorrow is Awkwardly ‘I’
I want us to do less but I want us to do it better.
I want to allow work to gestate for longer.
I want to be more present, but I don’t know how.
I want this exercise to be meaningful even if it only confirms that what we’re doing is what we should be doing.
I enjoy being alone with a half formed intention and a blank sheet of paper.
I enjoy the intimacy of planning a piece with my friend.
I enjoy the frisson of sharing that work publicly.
I’d like to make a piece that addresses public choice, responsibility and power.
I’d like to make a piece of unashamedly astonishing poetic beauty.
I’d like to make a piece that I couldn’t imagine now.
I get more pleasure baking bread.
I get more satisfaction building stuff
I get more stimulation watching a film.
I get more lost reading a book.
…..than I do from most theatre but the best theatre blows my mind.
I’ll try not to turn to the usual solutions, but…
I’ll remember that I turn to them because they’re where my process has led me which is a good thing, but…
I’ll try not to be comfortable with that.
I can live without Quarantine, Quarantine most certainly can live without me.
I can’t live without making or creating in my life.
I’ll stop when there are no more opportunities.
I confess that there is nothing altruistic in my work.
I would like us to publish: books (not websites or ‘zines’ but a ‘thing’ you can feel) that accompany work that we make, containing recipes, drawings, life stories, conversations etc.
I need to be close to home.
I need to be somewhere with open borders.
I need to be part of a community.
I’d love to be able to walk to work, the bakers, the restaurant, the bar, the book shop.
I think what we have done is █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
I think you should be incredibly █ █ █ █ █
I think I have been very █ █ █ █ █
Made by Quarantine