“Quarantine – the word speaks of disconnection: hospitals, immigration controls, officialdom at its official worst or best. I suspect I probably asked Richard Gregory the reason for the name some years ago, when the company was just getting established. I suspect he gave an answer that was more to do with shapes and sounds than meaning.
And while Quarantine’s work is neither cold nor disconnected, and is a slap in the face of the awful officialdom of much theatre, queries about meaning are often the least useful place to start.” John McGrath, then Artistic Director, Contact, in programme note for Grace (2005)
Today we’re going to call ourselves Quarantine again.
What’s in a name?
– some of us have never liked it –
but it is what it is and it’s a useful label, a calling card.
We do all kinds of work as Quarantine. We arrange conversations, we make films, we change sheets on beds, we draw, we dance, we cook dinner, we make theatre, we employ people, we rent a house, we ask hundreds of questions, we fold things, we take photographs, we build websites, we drive vans.
No suffix, no sub-clause or descriptor.
Made by Quarantine