Tomorrow is – yet again – another day. Curtains will open. Music. Sun will come up.
Around 150,000 people will die tomorrow. And about twice as many will be born.
Some of us will know some of them. One way or another, we’ll stop in our tracks. Cry.
And tomorrow, most of us will have a day untouched by birth or death.
We’ll get up. Think, yawn, shit, wash, drink, think, eat, read, walk, talk, stop, wince, piss, work, think, write, delete, laugh, shout, stretch, move, think, look, rest, read, eat, laugh, talk, hold, watch, cry, drink, piss, read, think, sleep, dream.
And tomorrow, everything will be exactly the same and utterly changed.
Like yesterday.
But with 150,000 new people.
Let’s start again.
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